
Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Tidy - but for how long!

I should have known that the rumblings in the spare bedroom would mean disaster. The plastic thingys holding up the shelves finally gave up the ghost and they all slid on top of each other.

I asked OH to fix them at the weekend but got the standard male shake of the head and intake of breath - lol! He went away muttering about having to go out and but some new ones when I remembered a spare set lurking in the garage.

Everything is now organised with rubber stamps, embellishments, ribbons and papers in the sets of drawers and everything else on the shelves. I've also managed to move the stuff that was living in the kitchen cupboard and on the bookshelves in the dining room.

I had a flick through my 6x6 papers but stopped counting when I got to 1000 sheets - must really start using some of them. Was surprised there is still some space left on the shelves but will not be buying any more for a while - ok so who am I kidding?

I was going to take some pictures of the other side of the room but the bunk beds are completely full of wool, spare pillows, piles of things to eBay and DD's birthday presents - there are also boxes of presents for during the year under the bed - will tidy it up a bit eventually.....................

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